The main goal of New Space Portugal is to develop, build and operate the Atlantic Constellation.
PROJECT DESIGNATION | New Space Portugal |
MAIN OBJECTIVE | To develop and launch the Atlantic Constellation, as well as the ground systems to operate it. The constellation comprises Very High Resolution satellites (with 50cm/pixel GSD), High Resolution Satellites, VDES Satellites and AIS+SAR-capable Satellites .
Spin.Works will contribute with a small series of hyperspectral cameras for the HR Constellation. |
APPROVAL DATE | 01-10-2022 |
BEGIN DATE | 01-10-2022 |
CONCLUSION DATE | 31-12-2025 |
TOTAL COST | 177 942 155,13 EUR (Project), 2 091 865,56 EUR (Spin.Works) |
FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM EU | NextGenerationEU – 137 364 121,24 EUR (Project), 1 400 037,69 EUR (Spin.Works) |
ASTRIIS is a joint project that aims to develop technical and scientific knowledge for the design and implementation of integrated and customizable information products and services – and respective demonstrator prototypes – as well as to show their practical applicability to sectors of the Marine Economy with high potential for development and value creation.
The ASTRIIS project is a strategic and structuring project for the Economy of the Sea, which is promoted by CoLAB +ATLANTIC and led by Tekever Space and co-promoted by CEiiA, ISR, MARETEC and CERENA of the Instituto Superior Técnico, LSTS of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, University of Algarve, University of Minho, ISQ, Tekever AS, WavEC, Oceanscan, Abyssal, Hidromod and Spinworks.
The co-promoters intend to break with the current paradigm based on the dispersion or even the non-existence of information and knowledge about the marine environment, essential for the development of economic sectors in the sphere of the sea economy, with high potential for growth and value generation, such as tourism, renewables at sea and aquaculture and also the safeguarding of life and property at sea.
Indeed, although there are many national and international databases, as well as numerical prediction models, there remain significant gaps in knowledge based on observation of the marine environment with in-situ means, as well as rationale for use and new algorithms that result in applications based on Earth Observation (OT) strategies either by space platforms or by aerial means.
Furthermore, there are still no facilities for a non-specialized operator to aggregate, cross-reference and analyze this significant amount of data for effective use for specific purposes. The ASTRIIS Project aims to address this shortcoming.
To achieve the objective, a strategy was designed to build the offer of products and services that emerges from the acquisition of data through in-situ observation and remote detection, combined with numerical modeling and prediction, which will respond to the needs of market within the scope of regulating maritime space and sustainable and integrated management of the exploration of oceans and coastal areas, as well as decision-making processes and structures, or as digital products open to society in general with a view to use in training or educational contexts (ocean literacy).
By providing a domain of action, resulting from the convergence of the areas of space and the sea, the project will offer its co-promoters a new collective dynamic of developing capabilities, increasing the added value of their products and services and the corresponding market penetration.
The project will last 36 months, involving around 126 specialized resources, for a total investment of 7.36 million euros. The project will result in an offer on the market of new products and services, demonstrated in relevant or laboratory environments, which as a whole will make a decisive contribution to the growth of the maritime economy in Portugal.
The goals to be achieved with the execution of the ASTRIIS project are:
Spin.Works’ focus was on developing a Gimbal for maritime observation from UAS.
The Gimbal contains two sensors – one hyperspectral and one thermal. Both are based on cutting-edge technology and are already used in aerial and space applications, namely in drones and nano-satellites. The hyperspectral sensor is derived from the ams CMV2000 sensor (imec LS150) and uses a hyperspectral mask directly deposited on the CMOS matrix, and is capable of collecting images in 150 bands simultaneously (bandwidth of ~10nm). The construction of the hyperspectral cube, which corresponds to an image with 2 spatial and one spectral dimensions, is done using the drone’s own movement over the ground, which allows data from successive bands to be accumulated as different areas of the sensor pass over the same land.
The thermal sensor is uncooled, and the microbolometer (Lynred pico1024) has a resolution of 1024 x 768 and an operating band of 8-14um (where sunlight reflection is minimal). This way it is possible to directly measure the temperature of targets on the ground or on the water surface, although some a priori ground calibration effort is necessary (as well as an onboard temperature sensor that helps apply image compensation afterwards, based on the temperature of the sensor at each moment).
The dual camera is gyrostabilized, and can be operated in a monitoring or a mapping mode. In the latter mode it images the sea or coastal areas, to observe changes in the color of the water surface with a spacing of 10nm, and simultaneously measure its temperature with accuracies of <1K after calibration).
In the monitoring mode, the hyperspectral sensor is replaced by a panchromatic one, so that the set can be operated, among others, for surveillance and security applications.
The lenses used are COTS and replaceable (with controlled pan and tilt, although without motorized zoom), allowing observations with both wide (>20deg) and narrow (<10deg) fields of view.
The ASTRIIS project tasks in which Spin.Works participates include the following components:
Rua de Fundões 151, 3700-121 São João da Madeira, Portugal
Av. da Igreja 42, 6º, 1700-239 Lisboa, Portugal